
any way the wind blows…

leeward - any way the wind blows…

Tebow time

The Broncos hosting the Bears was just featured on NFL Network’s SoundFx tonight. If you didn’t see it you can catch it online at SoundFx Tim Tebow.

Tebow personifies positive leadership… in addition to his tenacity, belief in himself, his coaches, and his team mates. His strong faith is not the whole story. The kid is fun to watch.

My favorite moments?.

Tebow after one a pass went right through the hands of Demaryius Thomas. ” Hey.. you are about to catch the game winner…”

Johnson on the sidelines after the OT Barber fumble. Totally going nuts “I told you Tebow!”

Tebow and Urlacher talking about fishing.

Cutler and Tebow postgame.

Tebow telling Lance Briggs he admires him.

What are your favorites?

Bring on those Patriots!

Broncos follows:

@PostBroncos @MileHighReport

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