A little of this, a little of that…
Recently I’ve been reading (and listening)- The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo; (from Audible.com… don’t know Audible? AWESOME… put the book on the crackberry and away we go) Then the Dragon Tatoo was so good – had to read the rest of the Millennium trilogy… The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest. The Hornet’s nest I read in Kindle on the crackberry.
Have you read them? Seen the movie? I want to write a review but I don’t want to spoil the story for you. The girl makes a great character study by the way, she has that photographic, eidetic memory thing like Dr. Spencer Reid. And she’s brilliant. Salandar (the Girl) likely has Asperger’s syndrome and Spencer likely does as well. Sadly, Stieg Larrson died and there will be no more fascinating characters and Salandar stories.
The Girl books have murderers, mayhem, deep mysteries and surprises. Most of all, these books have a lot to say about men who mistreat women. Broken men. Men with deep issues. Maybe unfixable issues. The kind of issues we would do well to recognize BEFORE we jump in… in life, in business. Borderline Personalities. Malignant Narcissists. If only these were all fiction. Sexual serial killers, wife murderers, and family annihilators. There are more of them out there than we ever want to know about.
Ladies, girls. It isn’t just the strangers and things that go bump in the night.
Laci Peterson, Tara Grant, Suepple Don’t you just wish they had recognized the signs?
Susan Powell-Cox missing for two years, husband is the number one suspect and in case you missed it, here is the latest…
How could this happen? See the thing is, most people can’t imagine anything like this because this man was so incredibly broken. Our families are precious to us. His was not. His wife wasn’t the love of his life, she wasn’t even a person to him. When he couldn’t control her every move he destroyed her. As a widower suspected in his wife’s disappearance he fought to keep her children away from her family. When he was losing control of them he destroyed them as well. If this were a rare event it would be an interesting blip on CNN. Unfortunately, this is all too real. This is yet another broken shell of a person pretending to be normal and trying to mimic a real personality.
Likely we have all met and know someone with similar issues to some degree. The signs are so clear… in hindsight.
True Crime follows @VinniePolitan, @BethKaras