
any way the wind blows…

leeward - any way the wind blows…

Summary of Friday in court… Huguely


For a very nice wrap up of Friday’s summary, read here

The blog gives a nice rundown of some factors between manslaughter and 1st and 2nd homicide.  The felony homicide charge would come into account if they believe he broke in to steal the laptop – a murder in the commission of a burglary.

I think the tears may have been tears of remorse – for his life that is essentially over. I don’t know when he formed the intent to kill her, it could have been when she wouldn’t let him in the door.  It could have been as he was shaking her. It couild have been when he left her unconscious, bleeding, and battered.

I believe he may not have known she was dead when he was picked up for questioning, but I’m sure he knew it was possible and he didn’t care. From then on he has been putting on a show.

Those were real tears. Just not for Yeardley.

I doubt he has genuinely cared about another person in a long, long time.


Another follow  @WPJenna


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